Get Lost To Get Found...

I used the pain... And reached a next level...

Keep It Real...

One Step Closer...


(...) - I'm not my fucking khakis...

- Good to hear... Did you learn?

- Sure thing...

- Aye... One step closer...

Keep It Real...
Soundtrack: In Flames



On this very day from the very pits of depths...

Yea, aye... Should I worry about It?

Don't think so...


Keep It Real...
You're not your fucking khakis...



Finalmente você deu uma dentro...

Fiquei um pouco assustado no inicio, mas depois vi que era só a empolgação...

Muito bem, agora você está um passo mais próximo do fim do poço, meu jovem...


Keep It Real...

N. do A.: About the venomous and Marla Singer...

Previous Post Continues...(Jack's Turn)


Remember, your FOOL:

You're not special!
You're not how much money you have in the bank...
You're not the car you drive...
You're not the content of your wallet...
You're not your fucking khakis...

You're not your fucking khakis...

You're not your fucking khakis... 



“We're a generation of men raised by women. I don't think another woman Is the answer we need!"

Keep It Real...

My Own Marla...



Could you be my own tumor?


"Take some responsability!"
Keep It Real...


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